The Value of EMTs

Remember the car crash from Tuesday?  I still do.  What does Child Harbat remember from it?  She had fun riding in the ambulance.  And she got a free teddy bear.  With all that fire and rescue personnel have to do during an emergency, personal touches and calming are greatly appreciated and not forgotten.  Considering my daughter is five, was in a major car accident, and was strapped down to a back board by strangers and shuttled to the hospital in an ambulance, it is a testament to the people skills of the EMTs that she actually enjoyed herself.  Telling jokes, giving a stuffed animal, and smiling may seem like small things to us, but they have a big impact during an emergency and are not forgotten.  I thank the EMTs, who I never met, as much for their humanity and compassion as for their medical skills.  By the happy calm CH has in this picture, I can tell she thanks them too.

CH on backboard

  1. patricia brooks said:

    reminiscent of two of my ambulance rides not nearly as happy as Amalia appears. Still a very scary experience for mom and dad I bet. P

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